Upper right corner picture-
1.(farthest left) Undercoat white mixed with purple sifted together, fired once. Clear coat sifted and fired next.
2. (second on left) Undercoat white then purple sifted on top, fired once. clear coat sifted on fired next.
3. (second from right) Undercoat white mixed wiht orential red, fired once.
4. (farthest right) Undercoate white mixed with purple, fired once.
Upper left corner picture-
These are 'leaded' enamels that came with my vintage kiln i purchased. The difference in color from these leaded with my other unleaded enamels is pretty amazing.
Bottom left corner picture-
This picture shows a single sift of brown fired (small disc on right) and the larger disc has been sifted and fired with two layers of enamel to show a darker color.
Botton right corner picture-
This is one of my favorites. It is a green enamel that i fired (or should i saw forgot was in the kiln) for 4 minutes...i love the color that was brought out by the longer firing process.